
jennifer hike

Hi and welcome to my site!

I’m Jenny and  I started blending and making smoothies around 10 years ago…well I started serious blending 10 years ago.

My Story

I studied Physiology and Biology in college and ended up working as a nutritionist and personal trainer before moving into corporate marketing.

During the time when I was working as a nutritionist and personal trainer, I encountered a lot of people who thought that exercise could cure everything.

It seemed like every person would hit the gym and then immediately go grab some super sugary energy drink, or worse, grab lunch or dinner at some other fast food chain.

Exercise is important, which is why I still cover a lot of it here on my blog. But the food that you put into your body is just as important, if not more so.

I got into blending after spending way to much time buying smoothies after classes. It saved me money, but it also let me controll what I put into those smoothies.

If you discount the milkshakes and other stuff I blended when I was a kid, then yeah!. Around 10 years back is about right.

Needless to say, I am a big fan of blending (and also a big Buckeyes Fan! Can you be from Ohio and not?)

It’s around the same time I stared with Juicing.

Vegan and Vegetarianism

I’ve been a vegetarian and sometimes vegan for a long time and decided that I wanted get more fruits and vegetables into my diet. Blending seemed like the surefire way to do it.

Honestly, it can be daunting to sit down and eat a whole salad worth of spinach and kale. Or a bowl of raspberries and blueberries and other fruit. But it’s simple to blend up a power smoothie and bring it to work!

When I first stared blending I made a lot of mistakes. Mistakes which I’m happy to share with you (and do!) when discussing the different things you can blend, what you can’t blend, and the best blenders to use.

I made some beginner mistakes along the way (using a discount store blender, a big no no!) but also learned some great things!

If you’re looking to jump right in and get started, then I suggest you check out my article on how to pick out the best blender for smoothies here.

If you’re planning on making green smoothies, I have a special article for that. It details the special considerations that you have to take when blending greens.

And I’ve also created a good guide for what to add to smoothies in addition to fruit. It’s a problem that a lot of people have when they first start out making smoothies. They’re at a loss as to what to put into their smoothies besides fruit. Well, I covered just that problem in my article about what to put in smoothies besides fruit.

Making It All Come Together

A lot of the information I found working with my clients (some of who were corporate clients who asked me to help train their employees and improve workplace culture) was something I wanted to share. That’s why I came up with this blog. I found that it was beneficial to write down the info I was giving people one on one (or one to 20 in the case of some of my corporate clients)

Some Other Fun Stuff About Me!

Some of my other interests include:


Have fun, read a lot, and get started making smoothies!