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Hi Everyone! Jenny O'Brien here. Nutritionist  & personal trainer. Just your average vegetarian and smoothie fanatic! If you have any questions, or you'd like me to cover a particular topic, drop me a line and let me know! Thanks!

Best Healthy Protein Bars

Sometimes you don’t have the time to make a protein shake and you need to rely on a protein bar. Times like a long drive somewhere, or while your traveling, in class, or at work. The problem is that there are so many protein bars that are just not healthy. They are either filled with …

Best Blender For Green Smoothies

Best Blender for Green Smoothies

Making green smoothies require  a really good blender. The same blender that your friends might take out for summer parties when they are blending up a batch of frozen daiquiris or margaritas, is not the type of blender you want if you are making healthy green smoothies. That said, a blender that can handle a …

Best Blender For Protein Shakes

While you can always mix whey protein with warm water, most people are not big fans of lukewarm protein shakes, so they will need to get a blender to get the best mix when using cold water. Also, besides the plain protein and water mix, many people like to mix their protein with berries, coconut …

Best Foods To Naturally Boost Testosterone

brazil nuts smoothie bowl

It’s not just athletes who are looking to boost testosterone naturally, there are plenty of men who would like to find some natural and healthy way to increase t-levels. One powerful way to do this is by tailoring your diet to include foods that have been found to naturally increase testosterone. This is a more …

Blender Or Juicer: Which Is Right For You

If you’re looking to get healthy, then you’re probably wondering what is the better choice: a blender for green smoothies or a juicer. They are both excellent, however they cannot be considered to be interchangeable. If you’re interested in making green smoothies because you want the fiber and the satiation of hunger, then a blender …

3 Ways To Boost The Protein In Your Smoothie

If you’re looking for ways to boost the amount of protein in your morning smoothie (of your post-workout smoothie) then you’re in luck. There are a variety of different ways you get add protein, ranging from high quality whey protein, vegetable based protein powder, hemp powders. You can also add oats or seeds. Here is …