As someone who loves camping and hiking, I realized that I should have an article written for those who also love the outdoors.
If you’re someone who likes to expereince the outdoors and spends your leisure time in nature, be it camping or the beach, then you might also want to bring a blender.
Now, if you’re doing a half day hike or spending the day at the beach, then you might not have the desire to bring your blender.
But if you’re going to take a several day trip and go camping, then you might want to bring a blender to make smoothies or even blended coffes.
Years ago this wasn’t an option, but now it’s totally doable. Let’s review how this is done.
Can You Take a Blender Camping?
You certainly can. In fact I’ve met people who take their regular blenders with them on camping trips. I’m talking about full sized Ninja blenders.
For real. They can do this because most camping sites have electrical outlets. Or they travel in an RV with full outlets.
But when i’m talking about camping I’m thinking more of people who are doing a bare bones camping in one of the natioanl parks or outdoor spaces where they don’t have super luxyrury setups.
You wouldn’t want to bring a large blender that needs to be connected to electicity on a camping trip.
But if you’re doing a three day camping event, or something longer than that, then you might want to check out a portable blender or something that’s easy to bring on camping trips.
There are blenders that don’t require you to plug them in. They run on either a rechargable battery or else regular style batteries.
Here’s two examples of blenders that you can bring with you on a camping trip.
My pick for the best belnder for camping is this model right here:
There’s also this great model from Cusinar. This is a super well made blender and you know you’re getting quality when you buy Cusiniart.
Are There Rechargable Blenders
Sure and there are a lot of people who use them. In years past, the idea of a cordless blender wasn’t that popular. In fact, the idea of bringin a blender with you somewhere on vacation wasn’t popular.
But that’s no longer an issue. There are major brands that make blenders that don’t require you to plug them into an electical outlet to run them.
These blenders aren’t really designed to make green smoohites, but if you’re looking to make protein shakes, or take fruit and protein power and some spinach and make yourself a great smoothie while camping, then that’s certainly possible.
The majority of rechargable blenders are designed for people who want to take their blenders to the beach or with them while they’re camping.
Rechargable blenders are pretty straightfoward to use. I briefly covered them in my article on how to use a portable blender.
Can You Travel with a Portable Blender?
Yes. Portable bleneders are meant to be taken with you when you go on trips. Most people wouldn’t choose to use a protable blender as their day to day blender.
For home use, it makes more sense to get a regular blender such as a Ninja or Vitamix or Bullet style.
But if you’re going on a trip, or going camping, then the ideal situation is to bring a protable blender.
If you’re specifically asking about whether or not you can bring a portable blender with you on a plane, the answer is YES (according to the TSA- Transportaion Security Administation). As long as you have removed the blade, you can take the blender on your carry on luggage. If you don’t want to remove the blade then you will have to check the blender into checked luggage.
But if you’re just taking a portable blender with you on a camping trip and you’re driving, then there’s no issue with the TSA.
The main thing you have got to consider is how you’re going to store the blender while in transit. Most portable blenders are small, so it’s not really a big issue.
Also, it’s not a concern if you are packing them into your gear bag. The main point that I would make is that you want to make sure that you’re not packing a wet blender. It sounds obvious, but what you should be doing is drying the blender and making sure that it’s completely dry and not wet before you store it in your duffle bag or whatever you use to bring
How Do You Pack a Blender for Travel?
Most travel blenders are designed to be easily fit into a travel bag. Some will come with their own travel bags, but even if they do, I suggest that you use your own. I simply make sure that the blender is dry and then pack it away with my luggage.
Most of the time when you are dealign with a travel blender they will not come with a travel bag. Sometimes they might. It does depend upon the brand you buy. But as a rule I’d just use my own travel bag and maybe buy a small waterpfoor pouch or bag if you’re worried about it getting your clothing wet.
But truthfully you could just wrap the blender up in a fabric shopping bag or some other similar cushioning and then store it away.
If you’re really intersted in getting a dedicted bag for your blender than what I suggest you choose is a dry bag.
Here’s a few good options for dry bags that you can get to store your blender in when taking a trip. These are good because they allow you to store the blender inside and not have to worry about the water getting your clothing wet.
Some Curated Picks: Blenders for Camping – For Every Budget
What I wanted to do here was list a few of the best portable blenders that are great for camping. The great thing about these blenders is that none of them are super expensive.
So, if you don’t have the budget for a blender like a Vitamix, then you can go ahead and relax since these blenders are not expensive.
I really love the Vitamix blender, which I cover in depth here, but if you’re looking for a portable blender you’re going to be able to get a cheaper blender option.
Personal Sized Blender- Rechargable Battery
Portable 24 V Cordless Blender- Super Powerful, Comes with Bag
Hand Cranked Blender – If You Want Something That Doesn’t Need Electricity or Battery
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Hi Everyone!
Jenny O’Brien here. Nutritionist & personal trainer. Just your average vegetarian and smoothie fanatic!
If you have any questions, or you’d like me to cover a particular topic, drop me a line and let me know!