One of the biggest concerns of guys who are looking to naturally increase their T-Levels is to determine which are the best foods to increase testosterone and which are he worst. There are some things you can add to your diet which will help boost testosterone levels, and there are other things which you should definitely avoid. Consider food to be a fuel source for your body with regards to testosterone. If you give your body the right fuel, you will reap the benefits and you will see an increase in your t-levels. The main thing that you will want to do is understand why certain foods are so important and why others should be avoided.
The following list is a good starting point with what foods to choose as well as what foods to avoid. In addition to that, you are also going to want to find ways to boost your testosterone without having to overdo it in the kitchen. There are supplements that are great to add to your regimen in addition to foods. The concept is simple; foods have certain ingredients in them (namely vitamins and minerals) that help boost the bodies ability to produce testosterone. So, a shortcut is to sometimes take a supplement in addition to taking the food. While most people will attest that a whole foods approach is best, it’s not bad to supplement with vitamins or minerals.
Let’s take a look at what you need to take and also what you need to avoid.
First up, what you should avoid:
Dairy with Hormones
Dairy, especially milk, is one of the big culprits when it comes to damaging the bodies testosterone. The hormones that are shot into bovine. The cows that have lots of growth hormone, and other hormones, can attribute to the estrogenic effects that you want to avoid. All in all, it’s not something that you want in your body. The main thing you can do is just cut out drinking milk. However, if you don’t want to cut out milk, what you can do is opt for something healthier. A great alternative to drinking regular milk is to get organic milk that is from cows that have not been treated with growth hormone or heavy doses of antibiotics. If you want to go one step further, what you can do is opt for grass fed milk…some people believe that this is better for you because the cows don’t eat grain that is treated with preservatives. They cows will eat grass. Finally, there is raw milk which is believed by many to actually be good for boosting testosterone. The only issue is that raw milk is semi-controversial and also can be hard to find.
Avoid plastics when you are eating or drinking, it’s that simple. You don’t want to drink anything out of plastics. If you really don’t want to use glass or stainless steel, then you have to make sure you’re getting a BPA free container such as the shaker bottles i reviewed here.
The reason that you want a BPA free bottle is that it doesn’t have the chemical component that is present in most of the cheaper plastics. That chemical, bisphenol A, has enough concerning data behind it to warrant extreme caution. So avoid plastics and instead focus on non-BPA containers or else choose stainless steel or glass such as mason jars.
Mint has been linked to increased estrogen so you should avoid mint if you can. There are other herbs that you might want to avoid (these include things such as Lavender). Herbal teas and the like can unfortunately create a high estrogen balance which is not something you want. So, avoid herbal teas and the like.
What You Want To Have In Your Diet For Higher Testosterone
Cholesterol ( From Saturated Fat)
Your body needs cholesterol in order to make testosterone….it’s one of those necessities. This is why there is so much discussion about saturated fats (which are, simply stated, fats that are stable at room temperature….but this is not a comprehensive description). So, the most important thing to do is to understand the type of people you are dealing with. If you are the type to eat steak or a lot of avocado or coconut oil, then you are in for a treat. Following that dietary treatment does not mean you’re ready for this sort of environment. So, load up on things such as KerryGold butter. The main benefit is that this butter or other from of saturated FAT.
Zinc and Magnesium
You should take a supplement or a food that has zinc and magnesium. These are two minerals that are important for boosting testosterone. There are lots of food combos that you can eat, but most people who are looking for a boost will opt for a supplement as opposed to eating spinach or some other food that has a lot of zinc and magnesium.
The other thing you can try are Brazil nuts. These contain a great amount of selenium. You only need to eat a few of these (you actually don’t want to eat more then 2 or 3 since they can make you feel nauseous). So, get a good bag of organic ones and add them to your diet.
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Hi Everyone!
Jenny O’Brien here. Nutritionist & personal trainer. Just your average vegetarian and smoothie fanatic!
If you have any questions, or you’d like me to cover a particular topic, drop me a line and let me know!