After a while making smoothies, you’ve probably become bored with the normal fruit choices and have started looking for new things to blend. And one fruit that might have crossed your radar are pomegranates. Naturally, you’re probably wondering if you can blend pomegranate seeds in your blender.
The good news is that, yes you can blend pomegranate seeds as long as you follow the tips below.
Can You Blend Pomegranate Whole?
No, I recommend against blending whole pomegranates. Much like pineapples and other fruit with a non-edible skin, you will want to discard the skin. So, if you’re planning on blending pomegranates you should focus on just the seeds.
You can buy whole pomegranates and de-seed them or you can just buy pomegranate seeds from the supermarket. This is actually the approach I take when making smoothies and blending pomegranate seeds. I just buy a large bag of frozen pomegranate seeds from BJs (or whatever supermarket carries them, they are not that easy to find sometimes).
If you are looking to buy whole fresh pomegranates to use in your smoothies, then here’s a great video which shows you how get the seeds out of a pomegranate in no time. It’s a fantastic trick that uses water. The first time I tried this it blew me away. It’s so, so much simpler than using your hands and a spoon on a cutting board. Try it and you will be amazaded.
Can You Blend Pomegranate Seeds In A Smoothie?
So now we’ve come to the meat of the article. Where I discuss the actual blending of pomegranate seeds and if it’s going to result in a smooth smoothie or if you’re going to end up with lots of tiny bits.
First, the basics Pomegranate seeds are edible. Some people who have never eaten them might think you have to chew the seeds and then spit them out after you’ve gotten the juice. But this isn’t correct. The seeds are in fact edible.
The next, and more pertinent question for this article is if you can blend them. Yes, you can blend them. But, like some other special fruits and vegetables, you can’t use just any cheap blender.
If you’re making a fruit smoothie with bananas and protein powder and almond milk, then you can get a cheap blender and it will work out fine. However, that is not the case with other things such as leafy greens in a green smoothie or, in this case, pomegranate seeds.
Pomegranate seeds are tough and have high fiber content, which is good for you, but which also makes them tough to blend.
If you use an inexpensive blender to make a smoothie and try and blend up pomegranate seeds, then you’re going to end up with a lot of unblended seeds. There are some people who will try and solve the problem of owning a cheap blender by just turning the blender on high speed and letting it run for a long time. That’s a bad solution because it creates too much heat.
So, I do recommend that you invest in a good blender if you’re planning on blending pomegranate seeds frequently, otherwise your smoothies won’t be smooth.
Why Bother Blending Pomegranate Seeds?
That’s a good question. First, why bother blending any fruit? For simplicity and ease of consumption? For taste? For health benefits? Well, all three apply to pomegranate seeds
When you blend pomegranate seeds, you get the great flavor of pomegranate juice, without the excess sugar that comes from drinking fruit juices. The reason that the seeds are better to add to a smoothie than the juice is because you are getting all of that healthy fiber. In fact, fiber is one of the main reasons smoothies are so healthy. Fiber isn’t destroyed in a smoothie, and it’s this fiber that slows down the absorption of natural sugars. It’s why eating an apple is better for your blood sugar levels than drinking apple juice.
In addition to making your smoothie taste better, there are a whole lot of health benefits associated with pomegranate (I’ll add links to the studies at the bottom). Some include:
- Heart Health
- Cancer Prevention
- Lowering Blood Pressure
- Anti-Oxident Rich In General
I suggest buying a bag of organic pomegranate seeds for your smoothies. Don’t add too many the first few times you make your smoothie with them so that you can get a sense of what the consistency tastes like. A good sample smoothie with pomegranate seeds would be:
- 1 Banana
- 2 Tablespoon of Pomegranate Seeds
- 1 Cup Of Almond Milk (get organic)
- 1/4 Cup Berries (raspberries or blackberries work well with pomegranates)
- 1/2 cup greek yogurt (gives you a protein boost).
Here are those studies I mentioned above:
Study One – This covers the effects of pomegranates on high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Study Two- This study discusses positive effects pomegranates have on high blood pressure.
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Hi Everyone!
Jenny O’Brien here. Nutritionist & personal trainer. Just your average vegetarian and smoothie fanatic!
If you have any questions, or you’d like me to cover a particular topic, drop me a line and let me know!