Most people who end up wanting to make whipped cream at home from scratch end up trying to figure out how to make it. The classic method uses to make whipped cream involved using a hand whisker. But that’s super tiresome. Trust me on it. There was a reason that the electric hand mixer was invented so long ago. So, put down that hand whisker and read on and learn how you can whip cream in a blender!
Even before they electric whiskers, people were looking for a way to make the process of whipping egg whites or whipped cream easier. This is where the hand cranked mixer comes into play. These machines became super popular around the turn of the century. There are still many homes who happen to have them. And they work really well. But you don’t have to buy one if you already have a blender.
Because the quick answer is that, yes, you can whip cream in a blender. Let’s look at the question in more detail.
Using A Blender To Whip Cream: Can You? Should You?
The first question is the easiest to answer. Can you whip cream in a blender? Absolutely yes you can. A blender will take liquid cream and incorporate air into it so that it becomes whipped cream. That’s all that is required when you are making whipped cream. You want to take the liquid and pour it into the blending container, hit blend, and then stop it before it turns to butter.
Should you use a blender to make whipped cream? That’s a more complicated question. It depends upon what other appliances you have on hand. If you have an electric whisker and a mixing bowl, I would say that you should use those over a blender. The problem with a blender is that you don’t get enough control over the whipping. When you use a mixer and a bowl you have much more control over how the cream is whisked.
But, that said, if you don’t have an electric mixer and bowl, a blender will work just fine. I’ve done it myself many times and it’s always turned out fine.
What Types of Blenders Work Best For Making Whipped Cream?
OK, so now that you’ve decided to us a blender to make whipped cream you probably want to know if your blender works.
Essentially there are three types of blenders that people own. There is the classic blender like the Viamix or the Ninja. Then you have the bullet style blender. And finally you have the stick style blender.
All three will work. Each has it’s own benefits and negatives. Let’s look at them.
The classic blender will work well, but you’ve got to make a decent amount of whipped cream. The blades are large and if you don’t add enough liquid cream, it won’t really blend up. So, if you’re making whipped cream for a chocolate cream pie, or for some other dessert, then that’s fine. But if you want to make a small serving for a single Irish coffee or a fancy coffee drink, then you probably are going to have to make extra.
And the problem with making fresh whipped cream is that it doesn’t stay well. You want to use it within a few hours. You can store it in the fridge, but it will begin to weep and collapse.
The bullet blender is better if you want to make a small servicing of whipped cream. That’s because these blenders are smaller to begin with and so that are better at handling a smaller serving of whipped cream.
Finally, you have the stick blender. These blenders are good but you’ve got to couple them with a container that works with their design. You can use a large bowl, but the stick blender design isn’t really conducive to a bowl. I’ve found that the blending cups that come with stick blenders work or even a mason jar (as long as you are careful not to break the glass when you put the blender into the mason jar.
Can You Whip Cream In A Ninja Blender (or Vitamix?)
Yes you can and in fact that’s how I’ve often made whipped cream. I had a small hand mixer, but when I moved I didn’t keep it because I didn’t have room for all of my kitchen appliances. So, I have used my Ninja blender to make whipped cream quite a lot.
Now, when I make whipped cream, I tend to make a decent amount of it. I tend to make whipped cream for pies—pumpkin pie, or key lime pie, or something along those lines. So I have no trouble whipping up a large amount of whipped cream.
What I do suggest that you do is make sure to check the whipped cream when you are blending it to ensure that it doesn’t overwhip. If it overwhips, what you will end up with is something that is more akin to butter than whipped cream. It’s something that is more probable to happen when you are using a blender and aren’t paying attention to the texture of the cream.
So, use a blender but make sure to check the cream so that it doesn’t overwhip!
How Do You Whip Cream with a Stick Blender?
Ok, so I’ll let you in on my secret to whipping cream with a stick blender. I actually think it works a bit better than a jar blender, if you have the patience and the material.
I use a large, oversized mason jar. A real mason jar like the ones you get from Ball. I don’t use some off brand mason jar from the dollar store or Stop and Shop that will break. Get a real mason jar.
Then fill it up with the desired amount of cream that you want and use the aerator attachment on your stick blender. With this, you can create a whipped cream in the mason jar that is just to the texture that you want.
Plastic and Whipped Cream? Cause for Concern?
So, one thing that comes up a lot when people ask about using a blender to make whipped cream is if plastic interferences in the process. The reason that people ask this is because plastic is similar to fat (at least on a molecular level) and fat can cause the cream to not whip properly. That’s why people like to use stainless steel tools when whipping cream.
But I’ve not had an issue using my Ninja blender, which has a plastic blending jar. It might be that the metal blades in the blending jar and the speed at which they work compensate for any problem the plastic might otherwise cause.
Should You Chill Your Blender Jar Before Whipping Cream?
Yes, I always suggest chilling the container whenever you are going to make whipped cream. It’s just better to have a cold container. I don’t actually put the blender into the icebox, but if I am using the mason jar method, then I most certainly use a cold mason jar. The colder the container, the better it is to make whipped cream.
Don’t put it in the freezer, though. That might unintentionally cause the cream to freeze, which would ruin the whipped cream.
What To Do With The Whipped Cream From Your Blender?
So, ideally you will want to use the whipped cream right away. The longer the cream is kept, the more likely it is that it will weep. So, I suggest only making the whipped cream right before you end up wanting to use it.
However, not all people are going to have that luxury. So, what I suggest you do is store that whipped cream in a glass container. Definitely don’t use a plastic container. You can use a Pyrex or an anchor brand glass container to store it in. Make sure to cover the whipped cream so that it doesn’t get exposed to the air in your fridge. That can accelerate it’s breakdown and also cause it to pick up unwanted flavors.
Is It Hard To Clean A Blender After Whipping Cream?
Yes, not going to lie. It’s not as hard as when you make nut butter, but whipped cream has fat it in, and therefore it’s not something you can simply rinse with water. You are going to have to use dawn or whatever soap you like to clean out the blender.
And you will want to clean it soon and not let it sit around since the cream can start to stink after a while and get caked onto the blades and become difficult to remove.
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Hi Everyone!
Jenny O’Brien here. Nutritionist & personal trainer. Just your average vegetarian and smoothie fanatic!
If you have any questions, or you’d like me to cover a particular topic, drop me a line and let me know!