Everyone wants to stay healthy and protect themselves from the flu and from colds. The best way to do this is to make sure that you have a strong immune system. You can protect yourself from sickness and have an overall stronger immune system by making sure you eat right, exercise, and sleep well.
Part of the way in which you can improve your immune system is to have healthy fruits and vegetables in your diet. And if you’re considering a smoothie, then it’s a great idea. Smoothies can have an immense benefit because they are a great way of getting vitamins and nutrients from plants into your body. They are easy and convenient. You can make a fruit or green smoothie in the morning and bring it to work.
However, it’s important to make your smoothie based around how healthy it is, not how good it tastes. If you are adding tons of Jiffy peanut butter, and yogurt with high fructose corn syrup, then what good is it?
So, here are my thoughts on the best ingredients you can add to your smoothie to make it an immune boosting powerhouse.
Top Three Immune Boosting Smoothie Ingredients
Turmeric – Super for Smoothies
The first ingredient you need to have in your smoothie is Turmeric. It’s well known as a super healthy food. An ancient spice used in Indian cuisines , among others, this spice has well known healing properties. Studies have shown that turmeric is helpful for your immune system.
There are two different ways in which you can add turmeric to your smoothie. First, you can get real turmeric. This is found in many health food stores. It looks like ginger. You can wash it, cut a small pice, and add it to your smoothie. It adds a bright orange color, and a slight earthy taste. So, you will want to have something such as pineapple or lemon in your smoothie to help with the flavor.
If you do not have access to fresh turmeric, you can always use powdered turmeric. However, be very mindful of using organic turmeric. There are serious concerns about using turmeric powder from India because it can be laced with toxic materials such as lead. So, stick with an organic turmeric brand.
Spinach- Go Green
Spinach isn’t just good for building popeye muscles. It’s important for helping you develop and maintain a healthy immune system. The reasoning behind this is due to spinaches vitamin content. It’s loaded with antioxidants and vitamins, including vitamin C and Vitamin A. Studies have pointed out that Vitamin A in particular is known for it’s ability to boost your immune system.
When you are blending spinach in your blender and making a smoothie, it’s important to choose organic. Spinach unfortunately is sprayed with pesticides in many commercial farming operations, so always choose a good organic brand.
Also, if you’re using a Vitamix, you can blend up adult spinach without a problem. But, if you have another brand of blender, you should choose baby spinach. It’s just easier to blend up than adult spinach because it does not have the same tough and fibrous consistency.
Garlic- Not Just Good for Vampires
Yep, you read that right. Garlic is the ultimate immune booster. Whether you want to blend it up and can tolerate the flavor, that’s up to you. Garlic is consistently ranked as one of best foods in the world. It is associated with helping to prevent heart disease, lowering blood pressure, and can also assist with the flu and the common cold. Studies have shown that garlic extract, for instance, are able to aid in improving the immune system and how it handles infections and attacks.
If you’re going to blend up garlic in a smoothie, two things are important to keep in mind.
First, avoid Garlic from China. China has a terrible record of using harsh chemicals that are cancerous on their crops. So, choose organic Garlic or at least Garlic grown in The United States.
Also, you will want to make sure you mix the garlic with the proper ingredients. Things such as ginger, apples, and pineapple are good ways to mask the harsh flavor.
Just be careful about China. Overall, as we have unfortunately seen after the WuHan virus, China has very lax standards when it comes to health and safety. Garlic is in particular a problem. There are cases of Chinese farmers using human waste (human poop) as a raw fertilizer. This is use of human waste and poop when growing food in China has the potential to spread disease. So, avoid it. Also, China has been caught bleaching their garlic.
My Personal Powerful Immune Boosting Smoothie Recipe
I’m actually going to give you two recipes. One is a immune system boosting fruit smoothie, the other is a green smoothie to boost yogurt immune system.
The lemon that i mention in the Green Smoothie recipe is to combat the taste of the garlic. Lemon skin is rich in essential oils that will overpower the flavor and scent of garlic. So, it will help those who are concerned about a garlic taste on their breath.
Berry Fruit Immune Boosting Smoothie
- half cup frozen mixed berries (organic)
- 1 cup organic coconut milk
- 1 teaspoon organic turmeric (or chunk of peeled turmeric)
- 1/2 cup organic baby spinach
- 1/2 cup raw pineapple
- 1/3 cup filtered ice water
Green Smoothie for Immune Health
- 1/2 cup organic baby spinach or kale
- 1 cup coconut water
- 1 teaspoon turmeric
- 1 clove raw organic garlic
- 1 organic lemon including peel
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Hi Everyone!
Jenny O’Brien here. Nutritionist & personal trainer. Just your average vegetarian and smoothie fanatic!
If you have any questions, or you’d like me to cover a particular topic, drop me a line and let me know!