As someone who has been into blending for a long time, sometimes you forget that there are people who are not as well versed in all things blending. The basic questions that you have when you are first picking out a blender are often overlooked by people who are die hard blender users. But those questions are important. When you buy a blender, you want to make sure that you are choosing the best blender for the money and also the one that will last you for a long time.
While there are a lot of blenders on the market, this article is going to cover two brands: Vitamix and Ninja.
I selected these two brands because they are both the most popular blender brands in the world, as well as the best selling blenders. I have my personal favorite, but I’m going to be fair and make sure to give you a complete and honest review of them both.
I’m going to be review both blenders. If you want to read more online, there are countless reviews listed on Amazon. I recommend two particular models linked below:
Vitamix Blender – Top Rated Blender for Greens and Smoothies
Ninja Professional Blended – Most Rated and Reviewed for Smoothies
Overview: My Quick Summary of the Vitamix vs Ninja Blender Debate
I used to be someone who said it was fine to buy a Ninja blender if you didn’t have the money to get a Vitamix, and while that’s still somewhat true. I have caveats.
First, the customer service with a Ninja isn’t good. There are lots of people who have had chips on the blending jar and when they’ve called customer service, they recieve really poor customer service. There is a warranty, and if your blender breaks 1 day after that warranty, you’ll be told…tough, buy a new one. Obviously this is legal, but it’s bad customer service. Vitamix has also had it’s fair share of problems with customer service (not as many rude customer service reps , if anecdotal evidence online suggests).
So, with that in mind, if you’re someone who is going to really put your blender though a workout, I am now going ahead and recommending you get the Vitamix.
I had an issue with a Ninja that was a year past warranty. It wasn’t anything serious, and the blender still worked, but when I contacted customer support I was told that the blender was off warranty and I could buy a new blending jar (mind you the blending jar wasn’t broken, just an exterior piece). It goes without saying that I didn’t buy a new blending jar and am going along using my old blender just fine. But it is good to know that you’re basically on your own after the warranty.
So, all in all, if you are planning on blending several times a week, or if you plan on making green smoothies, I now recommend you use the Vitamix. It’s a much stronger blender. I’ll go into details below, but suffice to say, it’s my go to blender recommendation for anyone serious about blending. The Vitamix is definitely the best blender for the money!
The Cost Breakdown- How Much Cheaper Is A Ninja Blender!
The first thing you notice when comparing the Vitamix and the Ninja blenders is that the Ninja are cheaper. A Vitamix is the most expensive blender of the market. So, at first glance it might seem like the Ninja is the best buy. But that’s a bad way to look at it. The Ninja’s a great blender, but only if you are a casual blender type of person.
For serious blending, or for someone who is looking to move up from a cheap store blender (like those Oysters) then I’d say skip the Ninja and move right to the VitaMix.
Bottom line- Ninja’s are cheaper….but Vitamix are better.
Which Has A Better Blending Blade?

Here are some photos of the blades. As you see, Ninja uses tall “Sharp” looking blades. Whereas Vitamix uses a more classic “blender style” blades. While at first glance, you might think that the sharp blades of the Ninja is better, consider what a blender actually does. It’s not for slicing and cutting. It’s for blending. So, the design of the Ninja blades is not superior to the Vitamix design.
When you look closer, you will see that the blades on the Vitamix vs Ninja blenders are just as sharp (many people find them actually sharper). The main difference is the height and “twisting design” you see on the Ninja.
The ninja blender works well with things such as a Fruit Smoothie, or even making homemade nut almond or peanut butter (I even list in my review of the best blender for nut butter).
Where the Ninja blender blade fails, or at least I don’t recommend it as much, is with leafy green smoothies. Kale and Spinach and other greens. Parsley and Celery. Things like that does not blend up as smooth in the Ninja as they do in the Vitamix. That’s the main reason why die hard green smoothie fans always swear by the Vitamix.
Best Lid Design: Vitamix Plunger vs Ninja Cap
The next thing to discuss when comparing Vitamix vs Ninja blenders is the lid design. The Vitamix has a snap on style lid. You can add liquid to your smoothie via a “cap”, but you really basically fill the blending jar and then set it in action.
With Vitamix blenders, you have a lot more control. A lot. This is because the vitamix has an opening on the lip that allows you to insert a blending plunger. This plunger allows you to have more control over blending the smoothie (or blending nuts, or whatever it is you choose on blending). It’s a superior design.
As a perfect illustration, take blending nut butter as a example. I have made nut butter in a ninja blender, and it does create healthy almond butter, but you are often times going to have to open the blender and use a spoon to scrape down the sides. It’s not a big issue…but it’s something to consider. If you were to use a Vitamix, you could simply use the plunger as shown here.
Judgement: Clear Winner Vitamix
Better Blender Control: Who Wins Out
The ninja blenders come with adjustable design in a few different approaches: they are mainly the classic speed buttons (pulse, low, high) and some of the higher priced models have a dial. The vitamix most also have the dial. Honestly, there’s not much of a difference. As long as you have a low, medium, and high speed…I think you’re set. So they are all good here. Just make sure there is a low setting for those times you don’t want to create extra heat.
Judgement: The Same- Slight Edge to Vitamix
BPA Free or Glass: Blending Jar Design
You might be looking for a glass blender jar. Well, there’s a good reason you won’t find them. In the old days, bledners might have been made with glass jars, but manufacturers soon figured out that this wasn’t a safe idea. Consider what happens if you drop a glass jar blender? What happens if you are spooning frozen fruit into a blender and you drop in a metal spoon while the blender is running?
This is the reason that all blender companies (not just Vitamix and Ninja) use plastic. The plastic blender jars aren’t BPA plastic. Some (such as Vitamix) use a material called Tritan. This is a super light material that doesn’t have the chemical BPA in it (which has been show to cause cancer and have estrogenic effects). Studies have shown that BPA free containers are beneficial because they don’t have these estrogenic effects.
What should be noted is that all plastic is bad plastic is bad (unfortunately, you have no choice when using a blender). So what does that mean? It means that you should use glass whenever you can. So, use mason jars or glass smoothie containers. brocelite glass containers are my favorite option. Or stainless steel for carrying your smoothie to work.
Judgement- Vitamix gets the edge as it uses the most advanced BPA free plastic. Trintian by Eastman. Strong, super light, and less prone to scratches than the Ninja according to anecdotal reviews.
Seal Control: Leaks and Spills
If you’re planning on making simple fruit smoothies, both the Ninja and the Vitamix blenders work fine. However, if you’re planning on making hot soups—then you have to get a Viamix. While some people do use the Ninja, this can be an issue. The problem is when you’re blending something that exposes the blender seals to a lot of heat. Couple that with the suction created with the blender and you’ve got serious stress on the blender. So, for this reason, I suggest using a Vitamix.
Blender Warranty- Vitamix vs Ninja- Who Wins Out?
Without a doubt the winner is clear: Vitamix. You can find 7 year warranties on some of their higher end Blenders. That’s outstanding. Simply unbeatable. Ninja blenders come in at a much lower price point…so it is understandable that you’re not going to get as good of a warranty. Compare a blender that costs a couple hundred dollars with one that is less than a hundred.
Clear winner: Vitamix
Durability: Which Is Stronger-Ninja or Vitamix
It’s no suprise that the more expensive blender is better made. This is not a fashion contest where a white t-shirt made by Fruit of the Loom is compared against a white t-shirt by some fancy brand. This is more akin to a Rolex vs a Casio or a Mercedes vs a Nissan.
The Ninja is a really well made blender and I recommend it to anyone who has simple blending needs, but it’s not as strong or as durable as the Vitamix. It just isn’t. When you look in restaurants and commercial kitchens, you see Vitamix. And there’s a good reason for that. They just hold up better!
Clear Winner: Vitamix
Which Is A Better Blender For Smoothies
That’s a bit of a general question since there are so many different types of smoothie. Fruit smoothies? Ninja and Vitamix blenders both work really well. Protein powder smoothies? Same. Both Vitamix and Ninja work well. You need to look at the ingredients in your smoothie to determine which blender is best.
Judgement: Depends
Blending Greens: We Have A Clear Winner
Now when you drill down and examine the type of smoothies that you can make with blenders, you will see that there are major differences when it comes to a heads up Vitamix vs Ninja contest. Simply put, the Vitamix bledner is superior when it comes to blending greens.
The thing to remember is that anytime you are going to be blending leafy greens into a smoothie, you need lots of blending power. Kale and Spinach and other tough greens are not going to blend up smooth in a vitamix (unless you’re using something like microgreens or baby spinach).
If you are using regular organic kale or other greens in your smoothie, you need to use a Vitamix. There is no other blender on the market that will make a “smooth” smoothie. All the others will leave you with chunks.
Conclusion: Ninja Blender VS Vitamix
With all said and done, I’d break down the review as follows:
If you are an complete newbie who is not even sure if you’re going to want to make smoothies several times a week, then get a Ninja. The Ninja is also good if you’re not planning on making green smoothies or nut butter or soups. It’s a perfect blender for simple fruit smoothies. It can handle light greens (baby spinach) and oats…so you can decide later if you’re prime for an upgrade.
If you are serious about blending and smoothies (maybe you already by green smoothies from health stores) then without a doubt I suggest you get a Vitamix. They have a better warranty. They are stronger. And they make better green smoothies. Simple decision.
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Hi Everyone!
Jenny O’Brien here. Nutritionist & personal trainer. Just your average vegetarian and smoothie fanatic!
If you have any questions, or you’d like me to cover a particular topic, drop me a line and let me know!