If you’re looking to maximize fat loss, then you are probably wondering if you should be making smoothies or juices. There are a lot of advocates on either side of the question. Some people believe that a juice fast is the best way to lose fat, while others say that you won’t feel full drinking plain vegetable of fruit juice and you will even turn off your bodies ability to burn fat (enter into starvation mode and preserve fat stores)
The principal behind fat loss is simple, yet you will see if you spend any time researching it that there is a complicated physiological process that should be understood. You can’t simply starve yourself and hope to lose fat. You will loose weight, but that includes muscle. Then you end up as a skinny fat person. The idea behind optimum fat loss is to keep your metabolism running and burn off calories, which will be fat.
There’s a whole other discussion about how it’s important to lift weights when you’re exercising, because lifting weights keeps muscle and the more muscle, the more fat you burn. This is true for both guys and girls. Don’t worry, ladies, you won’t get pumped up and jacked looking just by doing a few weighted exercises.
Fat Loss Smoothies
Smoothies tend to play a big role in fat loss because they contain lots of fiber. This means that you will feel full. Plain juices, on the other hand, contain very little fiber. That means that you are going to still feel hungry. A smoothie can be a low calorie, nutrient dense meal replacement. You’re not starving yourself because you are getting the nutrients that the body requires. You’re also filling yourself up with tons of natural plant and fruit fiber.
You can replace one or two meals a day with a smoothie. It would be beneficial to have both fruit and vegetable smoothies. For instance, you might start the day with a blueberry and kale smoothie. I
f you’re never done these before, then they might sound a bit weird, but they are delicious. You don’t even taste the kale. Just get some frozen blueberries, some chunks of pineapple, and some baby kale. Make sure to get baby kale, or micro green kale, because mature kale is very tricky to breakdown in a blender. Then add some coconut milk or almond milk to the blender and blend them up. It will be a super start to the morning. The mixture of kale, and fruit prevents the sugar spike that you don’t want.
So, sometimes work with fat loss because they help to reduce your daily caloric intake, while providing you’re body with tons of helpful nutrients and also fill you up.
Fat Loss Juices
No, as good as smoothies are for fat loss and dieting in general, there is a time and a place for juices. The main way you should use fresh juices when dieting for fat loss is to incorporate them into a short-term fasting regimen. There is a popular concept called intermittent fasting. This is when you don’t eat food except for a short window during the day.
For instance, you might eat only between noon and 5 p.m. Or some other determined hour. The other type of fast is a longer term fast with no solid food for two or three days. There have been studies done that show that when you fast, your body increased the amount of human growth hormone in your system. This in turn increases the bodies fat burning production. So, a short term fast is an excellent way to crack up the fat burning potential.
Speaking of sugar spikes, that’s one complaint people have about juices. They say that when you drink pure juice without any of the fiber, you get a big sugar spike. While that’s a bit exaggerated, it is sort of true. A berry smoothie made in a blender will be loaded with berry fiber, which prevents the body from absorbing the sugar from the fruit too quickly. So you are not going to have a rush of sugar into your bloodstream that will make you crash.
Why juice? Well, you won’t get much fiber, so you’re body will be able to relax. Think of your digestive tract as a machine that needs time to relax. If you’re constantly eating food, you never give it time to relax. A period of time off once a week, where you only drink liquids is a good way to let the body chill. The reason you want the juices is so that your body does not become nutrient starved. Starvation leads to fat preservation. It’s tied into our ancestor’s hunter gather ways.
The best way to get lots of vitamins and nutrients is to drink a fresh juice. You should mix fruits and veggies, otherwise you will get too much sugar. So, for instance, you could take some apples and juice them and then juice a few pieces of celery or kale, and then add some carrots. This will give you tons of vitamins and antioxidants. You might then later make a pineapple juice with apples and spinach. And for dinner juice some pears with a bit of parsley.
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Hi Everyone!
Jenny O’Brien here. Nutritionist & personal trainer. Just your average vegetarian and smoothie fanatic!
If you have any questions, or you’d like me to cover a particular topic, drop me a line and let me know!