If your blender has stopped working all of a sudden, it can be a annoying experience. But don’t get to upset, sometimes it’s a simple problem such as not understanding how to operate the machine.
Sometimes a blender won’t work because you’re not using it properly. This is most common with new blenders that you’re using right out of the box. So, we will cover this possibility first. You want to make sure you’re using the blender as it should be used.
The other reasons blenders stop working is that some part of the blender is damaged. This might be a power supply cord, or it might be something like a blender case or seal. In this case, you might need to replace the entire blender. We’ll cover that in more detail below to discuss what is the best approach.
Sometimes it is more cost effective to simply replace a blender than try and fix it, but other times there are quick fixes to use that are cheap.
Reason #1 – You Aren’t Using It Correctly
The first thing I always suggest is to read the manual that came with your blender. I know, that’s boring! But hear me out. There are a lot of reasons to read the manual that came with your blender, and chief among them is that you’ll know how to operate the thing!
While it might seem simple to use a blender, and once you’ve done it a few times it is, in truth there can be little tricks that you miss if you don’t read the blender.
Most blenders are pretty simple to use. If you don’t want to read the manual that comes with the blender, at least use a YouTube video.
Blenders are pretty easy to use, even the high end blenders like Vitamix and Ninja.
Reason #2 – The Cord and Power Supply Are Broken
If your blender is brand new, and it won’t start, then it might be an issue of the power supply. Make sure that you’ve tried multiple outlets. If the blender does not start, then it’s a power supply problem.
New blenders that come with a defective power supply they can be returned. It’s a rare occurrence, but if you do happen to be delivered a broken unit then it’s easy enough to request a replacement.
Older units are another story. The better the brand, the longer the unit will last—as a rule.
Cheap blenders that you can buy in a supermarket or department store are not known to last very long. If you do have an old cheap blender that has a broken power supply, then learn the lesson that it pays to buy quality.
Better blenders such as Ninjas and VitaMix blenders are designed better and also have better warranties. These blenders are used by people who make smoothies everyday. The blenders you see in supermarkets are impulse buys for people who might use the blender once every month.
Reason #3 – A Blender Part Is Broken
A final reason why the blender might stop working is that there is a piece that is broken. This could be anything from the blending jar to the blender base.
In some cases, it might be cost efficient to buy a replacement part. For instance, if you’re blending jar has cracked, there is no reason to buy an entire new blender. You can simply buy a replacement blending jar.
If your blender has broken because the jar cracked, or the blender base has become damaged, then it’s a good time to buy a new blender. If you’re looking for a glass blender because you think they might be better than plastic, realzie that for most people a good plastic blender is better.
It’s not worth trying to repair a blender, that’s going to just cause a great deal of anger. You’re not going to find a repair tech for blenders.
The only time I would suggest trying to get a blender repaired is if you’ve got a VitaMix or some other blender that you’ve spent three of four hundred dollars on.
If you have a basic bullet blender or a ninja blender that you’ve used for years, it’s simply not worth it to try and repair the blender.
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Hi Everyone!
Jenny O’Brien here. Nutritionist & personal trainer. Just your average vegetarian and smoothie fanatic!
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