Blenders are an awesome way to make smoothies, but not everyone has the money or the space for a full size blenders.
So, if you are someone who doesn’t have the budget or counterspace for a Vitamix or other brand of blender, then you’ve probally looked into getting a smaller, more compact blender.
Compact blenders are great, but only if you get the right ones. If you buy a blender that is not powerful enough, then you are going to be stuck with a small but essentially useless blender.
A common issue with compact blenders is that they simply are not strong enough. Unlike larger blenders, it’s not uncommon to find a compact blender that is great at making fruit smoothies, or crushing ice, but not sufficently powerful enough to make a green smoothie.
What I’ve decided to do here is write up a review and curate a list of the best compact blenders for green smoothies. These blenders will all work for fruit smoothies as well. It’s just that they will also function as a blender for green smoothies.
The List: The Best Compact Blender For Green Smoothies- 4 To Be Exact
How I Choose What To Include In The List of The Best Blender For Green Smoothies
When I set out to review the differetn compact blenders available, I had a few important criterea to use.
- The Blender Needed to be Compact!
- The Blender Needed To Be Capable of Blending Greens
- The Blender Needed To Have A Good Rep
That’s it. I didn’t set out to review only cheap blenders, or only expensive bledners. I wanted to review blenders regardless of price point. Some blenders are going to be more expensive than others, but this list actually has quite a few reasonablly priced bledners.
The main things I looked for when reviewing a blender is that they had to be compact and they had to be capable of blending greens. If the blender was not capable of blending green smoothies, then it didn’t make the list.
There are a lot of compact blenders for sale online, but not many of them actually are able to blend up greens. And if you buy the wrong blender, you’ll end up with a sludgy mess of a green smoothie. It won’t be nice to drink, and so you’ll end up not making green smoothies.
So, I wanted to pick out only the best compact blenders that can make green smoothies. That means those that can handle kale and spinach and other greens.
Why You Would Choose A Compact Blender for Green Smoothies Over A Large Blender
So, I personally like to use my regular sized blender to make green smoothies. But I can understand why some people would prefer to get a compact blener to make their green smoothies.
Some common reasons are limited counter space, limited budget, or just a personal preference for small blenders.
There are even some people who want a small blender that they can take with them when they travel. And a compact blender is perfect for this use.
Smaller blenders are also great if you’re looking to make a small ammount of someting. So, if you are only making a green smoothie for yourself, and don’t want to make extra, then a compact blender is best.
These are basically the main reasons why you would want a compact blender over another type of blender.
What To Look For In A Small Compact Blender for Green Smoothies
So, obviosuly the first thing you need to look for when buying a compact blender is size. You don’t want to get a large blender. This is easy enough to scope out. The small compact blenders will either have that in their title, or visually you will be able to gauge them.
But more importantly, you want a compact blender that has a strong motor. Some of the compact blenders that you see online and in large stores are not strong enough to blend green smoothies. They have weak motors that are sufficent to blend up fruit and some vegetables, but they are not capable of blending up greens.
It’s also improtant to make sure that you’re getting a well reviewed blender. Some brands make a decent blender for making fruit smoothies, but if you are going to go all out and make green smoothies, you need a brand that has stood the test of time.
That’s the reason I focused on NutriBullet and Ninja. These are blender brands that are really quite good.
NutriBullet NB9-1301K – The Little 900 Watt Powerhouse
NutriBullet is a name that is somewhat synomous with compact blenders. The company produces some of the best blenders in the world, and almost all of them are small, personal sized blenders.
My main reason for reccomending the NutriBullet as my number one pick is twofold.
First, this is a classic compact blender. It’s basically the design that set the standard. If you look at other compact blenders, then you will see the major issue with them is a weak motor. That’s not a problem here.
NutriBullet ZNBF30500Z – The Biggest Compact Blender for Green Smoothies
This is another really top of the line compact blender. It’s a bit larger than other compact blenders, but not by much.
My main reason for including this blender into the mix is that it hits the sweet spot for people who want a compact blender, but who also want more blending space than what your typical small bullet style compact blender gives you.
Techincally this blender hovers in a special place. It’s not full sized, so it doesn’t really compete with large blenders. But it’s also somewhat small and is not a true comact blender.
I’ve included it here as a good choice for anyone who wants a smaller sized blender, but someting larger than a true compact blender.
With this model, you can make more than one smoothie if you want and you can also
NutriBullet Rx N17-1001 – A Great Combo Set
This is honestly the compact blender that I would buy right now if I didn’t already own a blender. And I will probally pick one of these up the next time I am shopping around for a new blender.
Why? Because it’s so powerful and also so versitile.
I didn’t rank it number one one my list (which is not really a ranking from best to 4th best) because it’s a bit larger than the really small compact blenders and I know some people are on a stickeler for a small blender. But that’s really the only reason it’s not featured prominetyl on this list.
All things considered, there is no other compact blender I would rather have. Honestly, If I was to buy a new blender, I’d skip the larger blenders and go with this one.
It’s got a super powerful motor, a great rep in the industry, and it comes with an array of really helpful accessories.
The Ninja 1000k Watt Compact Blender For Green Smoothies
Ninja makes a pretty darn good blender. I’ve been using their larger blender for years. I’ve made everything from green smoothies to nut butters in it.
So I felt like I should definately give some attention to this blender. After all, Ninja is a brand I can trust and I feel like I should only reccomend blenders that I myself woudl feel comfortable buying.
Do You Need A Compact Blender For Green Smoothies?
It’s important to ask yourself if you even need a compact blender for green smoothies in the first place. What is the reason that you’re focused on something compact?
For most purposes, a larger blender is simply a better option. They are stronger, they handle more material, and they are all around better options for the average smoothie maker.
A compact blender is really only ideal for a few types of people.
- If you have limited counterspace. Then it makes sense to buy a compact blender. You won’t toss out your other kitchen appliances, so it makes sense to get a small, compact blender if you are short on space.
- You plan to take your blender with you. There really isn’t anything such as a travel blender, but if you are looking for a blender that is portable, then you will do best with a compact blender.
That’s basically the main reasons. It shouldn’t be a question of budget or price. If you are working on a tight budget, that shouldn’t be a reason to buy a compact blender. The price difference isn’t that huge between say, a NutriBullet and a basic Ninja. Consider the two blenders.
The Compact Blender–AKA A NutriBullet
- Smaller and More Compact Than The Ninja
- Much More Affordable
- Can Handle Leafy Greens
Now let’s look at the Ninja- AKA the Countertop Blender
- Larger Blending Room
- More Expensive (but not too expensive)
- Can Handle Greens
If I was discussing blenders with someone and they told me that they wanted a compact blender, I would want to discuss the reasons. I spent many years using a compact blender and it was a great blender. It did everything I needed it to do!
The only reaon I ended up buying a larger blender was that it could do a bit more. The main thing was that I was making larger batches of smoothies. For making single sized smoothies, a small blender is perfect.
I would definately not factor in cost when selecting a blender. But I would also say that it’s not really compromising to buy a compact blender.
In fact, when I was ranking models in my article on the best blender for frozen fruit smoothies, one of my top picks was a compact blender.
It’s often the case that you can get the most power and the most effect from a small compact powerhouse.
My final takeaway would be this. Don’t spend money on something just because it’s cheap or affordable. None of these blenders are so expensive that they will set you back that much.
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Hi Everyone!
Jenny O’Brien here. Nutritionist & personal trainer. Just your average vegetarian and smoothie fanatic!
If you have any questions, or you’d like me to cover a particular topic, drop me a line and let me know!