Category «Blender Reviews»

Best Stick Blender For Making Soap

best stick blender for making soap

Soap making is fun, and if you have the right tools, it’s pretty easy. What are those tools you might ask? Well, a glad you asked. In addition to lye, oil, and a scale, you’ll need the best stick blender for making soap. What I’m going to do here is create a comprehensive list of …

Are Ninja Blenders Dishwasher safe

greens and fruit smoothie

Are Ninja Blenders dishwasher safe or are they something you need to wash by hand? It’s an important question because not all blenders are dishwasher safe. And even blenders that advertise themselves as dishwasher safe are not always completyly dishwasher safe. If you end up getting a blender that can’t be cleaned in the dishwasher …

Best Personal Blender for Crushing Ice

personal blender crush ice

What’s the point in buying a blender if it can’t crush ice? You’ll be left making shakes or smoothies with fresh fruit–not frozen! And if you are inters ted in buying small personal blender that can handle single serve smoothies and ice, then it’s even more important that you do your research. What I’ve done …

Best Blender For Ice

best blender for Ice

Before you buy a blender you are going to want to know if it will crush and blend ice. Because not all blenders will blend ice. And some blend ice better than others. And if you own a blender, odds are you are going to want to blend ice at some time or another. It …

Best Blender for Frozen Fruit Smoothies

frozen fruit blender

There is nothing as refreshing and healthy then a frozen fruit smoothie in the morning. It’s the perfect way to start your day. While some people might be comfortable making a heavy green smoothie, it’s really not the most refreshing thing to have in the morning. Fruit smoothies, on the other hand, are refreshing and …

Best Blender For Nut Butter

best blender for nut butter

How To Choose The Best Blender For Making Nut Butter Nuts are difficult to blend up into smooth, delicious nut butter if you do not have the right blender. You will end up with a chunky mess. There is a fine line between the amazing fresh nut butter that you find in a Whole Foods …