Coffee with butter and coconut oil is one of the more popular health drinks in recent years. The idea can be traced back to Tibetan headers who made yak butter tea. In fat, the use of yak butter is common among many of the Himalayan tribes as well. The use of yak butter, as opposed to cows milk, was due to the presence of yaks. Cows are not suited to the hilly terrain of the Himalayan areas. The popularity of yak tea among the headers and outdoors workers was important because the butter provide lots of calories for the days work. The high fat was also prized because it was a slow burning energy.
While most people who make butter coffee use cows butter now (you can use yak butter if you can get your hands on it) the idea behind it is the same. The fat from the butter, and the medium chain triglycerides from the coconut oil, combined with the coffee provide you with a great amount of energy. It’s much better than a regular coffee with milk or cream, and sugar. The sustained energy release from the caffeine and fat.
You Need A Blender To Make Buttered Coffee Done Right
The yak butter tea wasn’t traditional made with a blender, but you will need a blender when making butter coffee. First, the headers in the Himalayan mountains didn’t have access to blenders, so it wasn’t even an option. Secondly, they were making tea and not coffee. That’s a significant difference. The boiling hot tea would melt the butter. When you make butter coffee, the coffee is not boiling hot. Finally, you have to factor in the coconut oil, and the final texture of the of the drink. While the yak herders who were out in the cold blistering wind all day wanted a fatty drink that would prevent their lips from getting chapped in the harsh conditions, this might not be what you want. In fact, most people who choose a butter coffee probably would prefer it to have a frothy texture that is similar to what you’d get from a foamy frothy drink from a Starbucks or other high end coffee shop.
Don’t Choose An Immersion Blender
So you are going to need a blender. The first blender some people think of getting is an immersion blender. They are stick blenders that fit right into a container and blend up the contents. They are super simple to use, but are exactly the wrong types of blenders for making butter coffee. You don’t want to stick a blender into a container with hot coffee, grass fed butter and coconut oil. You will get a terrible mess. Immersion blenders are used with open containers, and for some blending needs, that’s fine. It’s not fine when you are lending coffee. You want a blender that is sealed and won’t let the ingredients go flying. Keep your immersion blender for making pureed soups, stews or even smoothies if your using fresh fruit. Just leave the coffee to a regular jar blender.
There is a time and a place for immersion blenders (such as when you’re making cold process soap, which I discuss here.)
You Don’t Need A Super Expensive Blender
If you know for a fact that you won’t be making smoothies, especially green smoothies that have fibrous vegetables and leafy greens, then you don’t need to get something big and powerful such as a Vitamix. Those blenders are great, but they are really overkill when it comes to making a butter, coconut oil or MCT oil, and coffee mixture. All you need is a really good jar blender. You do want to make sure that you don’t just go with any jar blender because the seals and gaskets need to be extra strong when dealing with the heat of the coffee. So, pick the best jar blender on the market.
Benefits Of A Jar Blender For Making Buttered Coffee
The main advantage to using a closed blender is, as mentioned earlier, it won’t allow coffee, butter and oil to go flying. The type of blender you choose is up to you, but I would definitely suggest avoiding a stick blender for your coffee making. They are really hand for soups but stick with a blender. Now the question is what type of jar blender.
The Best Jar Blender For Butter Coffee
The best overall blender for making coffee is not going to be the best blender for smoothies. Think about what you will be doing. You are not processing and blending apples and spinach or kale. You are blending up a cup of coffee, butter and coconut oil. You don’t need to size, nor do you need the power. So while I do think that the Vitamix is the best blender on the market for all around blending, when it comes to blenders for making butter coffee I would suggest a bullet style blender. The advantage to these small blenders is that they can be cleaned out super easily, and since you are only making one or two cups of coffee at a time, you don’t need a big blender. You can also keep this out on your countertop even if you don’t have much space.
This is my personal pick for a bullet blender for making your butter coffee. This bullet blender is great because it also allows you to grind coffee beans. One of the important aspects to making butter mct oil coffee is to use freshly ground coffee. This blender will let you grind up your beans. This is a great way to improve the quality of the butter coffee.
It’s also an all around great blender that has a cool series of attachments. You can read up on all of the extras on Amazon and see what people have to say about it.
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Hi Everyone!
Jenny O’Brien here. Nutritionist & personal trainer. Just your average vegetarian and smoothie fanatic!
If you have any questions, or you’d like me to cover a particular topic, drop me a line and let me know!