Category «Smoothies»

Can You Add Pre Workout to a Smoothie?

pre workout smoothie

Lot’s been said about pre workouts and if they are something you need to take before you hit the gym. Well, this article isn’t going to go into depth about that. It’s too much of a complex subject. My brief thought is that they can be useful, especially if you’re someone who gets tired in …

Can You Add Raw Honey to a Smoothie?

raw honey smoothie

Smoothies and honey are a great mix. Why? Because honey is a natural and really great sweetener. It’s on par with maple syrup (most experts will tell you it’s healthier). And it’s so much better than sugar or an artificial sweetener. And if you’re going to be making a smoothie, then you’re probably not going …

Do You Need a Blender to Make Smoothies?

do you need a blender to make smoothies

Is it absolutely necessary to use a blender to make a smoothie? Or can you make do with something else? That’s what I’m setting out to answer in this blog post. I want to briefly go over some of the big questions (namely if it’s essential to use a blender) and also cover some of …

What to put in a Chocolate Protein Smoothie

chocolate protein shake

The Obvious One– Chocolate Protein If you’re making a chocolate protein smoothie, then the number one ingredient is going to be chocolate flavored protein powder. This is going to be the main protein source in the smoothie. I always advocate using a natural, health protein powder if you want to make a protein smoothie. Adding …

Can You Put Chocolate Chips in a Blender

can youblend chocolate chips

There are a few different ways you can make a chocolate smoothie. This article isn’t about that. If you’re looking for info about chocolate smoothies, or even want to learn about chocolate, then I have other articles for you to review. What I want to do here is discuss a very specific issue: chocolate chips …

Can You Put Protein Powder in Smoothies?

smoothies for athletes

Smoothies can be an amazing post workout drink. And smoothies are also an excellent way to get protein into your body. If you hit the gym and notice the serious weight lifters, then you’ll pick up on the fact that a lot of them carry blender bottles with either a electrolyte mixture in them, or …

Can you use a Blender as a Juicer

can you use a blender as a juicer

If you’re someone who doesn’t own a juicer, but you do own a blender, you might wonder if you can use a blender to make juice. Normal question, right. Well, it’s not as simple as a yes or no. So let’s break it down. Can you use a Blender as a Juicer : And Why …