Category «Smoothies»

Best Smoothies for Lowering Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a complicated issue. There has long been an association between high cholesterol and things such as heart disease. As a result, there has been thousands upon thousands of books, articles, and news specials devoted to recipes and lifestyle changes. The entire Mediterranean Diet fad (not to say it’s a bad fad) came about …

Will Smoothies Keep In The Fridge?

Best Blender for Green Smoothies

Do you have to drink your smoothie fresh, or will smoothies keep in the fridge? It’s a good question and one that anyone with a blender and who decides to make a smoothie will want to know. The answer like most things, depends upon what type of smoohtie you are making and also, for what …

Can You Blend A Whole Lemon

can you blend a lemon

There are lots of people who have become interested in blending lemons. Most of the time, lemons are juiced. But there has been a lot of interest lately in blending whole lemons instead of simply juicing them. I honestly am not someone who blenders lemons that often. I am more of a fan of juicing …

Why Do Athletes Drink Green Smoothies?

smoothies for athletes

Why do professional athletes and even non-pros all seem to have green smoothies as part of their diet? Is there some secret nutritional benefit to drinking green smoothies that the pro’s and semi-pros know? Let’ discuss. Juicing Before Smoothies? In the early 80s and 90s, professional athletes in fields such as baseball, football, and basketball …

3 Surprising Health Benefits of Bananas

health banana

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits out there. They are easy to eat, simple to carry to and from work (which make them a perfect snack!) and are also delicious. But did you know that bananas are also a super healthy food? Well, they are. And while most people know about the high …

Can You Whip Cream In A Blender?

can you whip cream in a blender

Most people who end up wanting to make whipped cream at home from scratch end up trying to figure out how to make it. The classic method uses to make whipped cream involved using a hand whisker. But that’s super tiresome. Trust me on it. There was a reason that the electric hand mixer was …

Smoothies To Boost Vitamin D

vitamin d smoothie

Every year it seems that there is a new super nutrient that you read about. Vitamin C and Vitamin E were all the rage for many years. Then it was Vitamin K for a while, or Co-Enzyme Q10, or Ginko, or Lutein. Now the attention is on Vitamin D. It’s not as sexy a vitamin …

How To Sweeten a Smoothie Without Bananas

banana free smoothie

Not everyone is a fan of bananas. Hard to believe, I know (just kidding, I’m not the biggest fan of them myself). But bananas seem to be in every single smoothie recipe from here to mars. Why? Because they are healthy, add a nice texture, and also make smoothies sweet. They also go well with …

Best Kale for Smoothies

kale smoothies

There are significant differences between the many forms of kale so it’s important to know which type of kale is best for a smoothie. You don’t want to make the mistake of blending up the wrong type of kale and ending up with a bitter, chunky, or simply undrinkable smoothie. Kale is super nutritious, and …